Friday, August 29, 2008

New Feature Alert!!!!!

I've tried to think of something that I can hang my hat on as far as this site is concerned, and I decided to follow through with an idea that I tossed at Harlan months ago........ "The Next Chapter's George W. Bushism of the day."  It will consist simply of some dumbshit quote that our trusty leader has uttered over the past eight years.  Man, it seems crazy to say that he has been in office for eight fucking years!!!!!!!

Anyway, 144 days to go!  My vote obviously goes to...........

"I said I was looking for a book to read, Laura said you ought to try Camus.  I also read three Shakespeares.... I've got a eck-a-lec-tic reading list."

-Interview with Brian Williams of NBC News August 29, 2006



LADIES AND GENTLEMEN..................

He's back!  I know, I know, this little piece of digital real estate has been damn near abandoned as of late.  Sometimes I revert to my 10th grade state of mind where blogging equals homework, and I'd rather have a rectal exam than do homework.  But, to those ON the one hand that it takes to count my readers, sorry, and I hope I can come up with some shit worth readin. 

This blog may take a turn for the worst, so be ready for a Titanic-like disaster........

Harlan; the new season starts on the 7th of Sept.  I know you know what I'm talking about, and I know you already know the date....... a friendly reminder of sorts.  I can't wait.  

Maria; you crazy Puerto Rican.  Get ready for a roller-coaster ride,  for who knows what's next in this little cinnamon roll of a brain I possess. 

And, this dude leanin against the wall?  He's dead!  He wanted to be propped up like this at his own wake; embalmed and dressed like Eazy-E.  WOW!

Please just wrap me up in Zig-Zag and smoke me!  Somebody might as well get something out of it.